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Keiko Fukazawa uses her art to address America's Gun Violence

The short film 'Keiko Fukazawa’ directed by Anabelle Vo is a finalist at 19th the MY HERO International Film Festival. In the film, Fukazawa explains how she uses her art to address an issue that has greatly impacted the quality of life in America: gun violence. Growing up in Japan, she struggles to understand the lack of action against the rising number of gun deaths in the US. Her art looks at the USA’s fascination with guns as well as the human toll of this American phenomenon.

About Keiko Fukazawa

Keiko Fukazawa was born in Japan and educated at the Musashino Art University in Tokyo. Fukazawa also studied at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles where she taught ceramics for four years. She currently lives and has her studio in Pasadena, California, and has recently retired as an associate professor and head of the ceramic department at Pasadena City College.

Encouraged by her mother to pursue painting as a career, Fukazawa became discouraged by the cultural conservatism that made it particularly difficult for women painters and after discussions with her mother, she slowly moved to ceramics. While working as an apprentice at the ceramic studio in Shigaraki, she was again dismayed by the rigidly gendered practices. Intrigued by the California Clay Movement led by artists like Peter Voulkos, Fukazawa decided to come to California in 1984. Since then, Fukazawa has created work in multiple national and cultural contexts.

Fukazawa’s work has been widely exhibited at galleries and museums in both the US and International venues. Fukazawa’s art has also been widely awarded, including receiving the 2015 Artist in Residency Grant from the Asian Cultural Council in New York City and a 2016 C.O.L.A. Individual Artist’s Fellowship from the City of Los Angeles.

MY HERO interviewed Annabelle Vo, the director of the short film and previous MY HERO employee.

Read the interview HERE:


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